DCCC host and facilitate a range of camps throughout the year for all age groups. Camps are a great way to have a short circuit breaker from life, reconnect as a group and with God through time away from the norm and with other like minded people.

We beleive at DCCC camps are an essential part to ministry and are effective in helping our Church family grow together and closer to God as well as getting to know each other better in a more casual setting not as restricted by time.

Easter Boys Camp

If you are interested in Boys Camp 2024, please email Melinda - mel@duncraigccc.com.au. 

Easter Boys Camp is held at 172 Caves Road, Busselton for boys aged between 9-15 years old. 

Find Out More Register For 2024
DCCC Youth Camps

We run camps through out the year for our teenagers. The main camps we hold are 4WD camps in Lancelin and Waterski camps down South. We usually hold our camps at the beginning of the year and the end.

DCCC Church Camp

DCCC Church camp is held in October each year. This is a weekend to get away from the hustle and bustle of life and spend quality time as a Church Family and community over a weekend sharing and reflecting on God's Word as well as having fun and games through out the weekend.